Research Topics
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Where can i find DOI:
- In ACGCRJ journal articles, the DOI will be printed with the article itself, usually on the Hader of the page
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What type of papers does ACG CASE RESEARCH JOURNAL (ACGCRJ) publish?
Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies
How long does it take for an accepted paper to be actually published?
Approximate will inform within 24 hours via email and sms.
What is the procedure to submit my paper?
Please Submit your Research Paper here Submit Research Paper Online – ACGCRJ
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Paper ID is an Unique Identification Code provided to your submitted Manuscript. You should always mention the Paper ID during any communication with us.
How long my published paper will stay online?
May I submit more than one article?
We will accept multiple submissions across multiple communities, as long as the author joins each community.
Indian Authors
The journal requires authors to cover a minimal processing fee for paper publication. This fee primarily supports office operational costs, website maintenance, and compensates paper reviewers and editorial board members for their services to the journal. There are two publication cost options: papers with a DOI require a fee of INR 1500, while those without DOI incur a lower cost of INR 1300.
Foreign Authors
Foreign authors are required to pay a processing fee for publishing their papers in our journal. Similar to domestic authors, this fee is allocated towards office operational costs, website maintenance, and compensating paper reviewers and editorial board members for their contributions to the journal. The publication costs for foreign authors may also vary: papers with a DOI will have a fee of $ 40/- USD, while those without DOI will incur a reduced cost of $ 30/- USD
ACGCRJ is one of the world’s leading and fastest-growing research publications with the paramount objective of discovering advances by publishing insightful, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The Submitted Article/Paper will accept within 12-24 Hours, and it can publish within 24 Hours
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For Management, Hosting & Office Expenditure ACGCRJ Journal may charge some amount to publish the paper.
To Publish a Paper ₹: 1300/- INR (without DOI)
₹:1500/- INR (with DOI)

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